How To Fix If Your Amazon Echo Dot Keeps Resetting?
Amazon Echo dot is a voice-controlled device that works on artificial intelligence technology. It uses Alexa to perform its tasks like playing music, controlling smart home devices, answering questions, setting timers and alarms, playing streaming music, and more. Echo dot is very easy to set up with the Alexa app. Alexa responds to the voice commands that are given by humans. Sometimes it happens that your Amazon Echo dot device keeps resettings. You Reset Your Amazon Echo Dot once but it keeps rebooting again and again. This is a very frustrating situation. But you need not worry about it. In this blog post, you will get the solution to your problem.
Solutions to fix Amazon Echo Dot keeps resetting
Amazon launched four generations of Echo dot devices. The resetting process is different for all the generations of the Amazon Echo dot. Some users mentioned that they are facing the resetting issue with their Echo dot device. In this section, we are going to discuss the troubleshooting methods to fix the issue. Following are the solutions to fix the issue if your Amazon Echo Dot keeps resetting:
Solution 1: Use power cube
Incomplete power cycle to the Echo dot device is the main reason why your Echo dot keeps rebooting again and again. With this issue, you cannot perform any task with your Echo dot device. To resolve the issue you need to use the power cube that comes with your device. If in case you lost the power cube then purchase a new one with the same voltage. If you are using any other power cube then switch back to the power cube that comes with your Echo dot device.
Solution 2: You need to change the power outlet
Because of the faulty power supply, the Echo dot keeps trying to turn on. To check the issue with the power supply, you need to plug the adapter into another socket. If the power adapter is working properly then the issue may be with the power outlet. You can check the voltage of the power outlet with the help of a multimeter. Once your Echo dot device receives the proper power supply then the device stops resetting.
Solution 3: You can contact Amazon support to fix the problem
The majority of the users can fix their issues by following the above two solutions. So, make sure that your Echo dot device is getting enough power supply and you are using the correct power cubes. If there is a proper power supply and power cube but still your Amazon Echo dot keeps resettings then there is some other issue with your Echo dot device. You should repair or replace your device or contact Amazon customer support. The technical professionals will help you.
Though it is easy to Reset Your Amazon Echo Dot, sometimes resetting the device again and again can cause the problem. By following the above-mentioned fix, you can easily troubleshoot the issue. If still, you are facing any issue, please feel free to contact our technical experts.
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