Ultimate Guide For Echo Dot Troubleshooting Tricks

Are you using the Amazon Echo dot? Facing various difficulties associated with Amazon Echo dot? Most of the users complain that every time when you try to connect with the Echo dot then an error message displays on their screen saying won’t be able to connect to a WiFi connection. If you are sailing in the same boat and encounter the same issues with your Amazon Echo dot then don’t worry! We are here to help you. In this blog, you will learn the simple ways to perform Echo Dot troubleshooting to fix the issues. 

Steps for Echo Dot Troubleshooting 
Look at the below steps for performing the Echo dot troubleshooting tricks to resolve the issues associated with it:
Step 1: Check the WiFi Connectivity
Amazon Echo device can only connect with the dual-band wireless network that uses 802.11a/b/g/n standard. The home WiFi network will run this standard but peer-to-peer networks can’t run on it.

Step 2: Test WiFi Network and Security 
You may face connection problems either due to an internet connection or an Echo device. You are required to take a review of the below steps to troubleshoot the Echo dot related issue:
  • Turn off your device and remove the device from the plug for some time.
  • Ensure that you know the wireless network password as it is needed to access the WiFi network. You can find it on your router. 
  • Make sure that your other devices are connected to the WiFi such as smartphones or smart TV. 
  • If the main wireless network is not working then reboot the router by turning it off from the plug. 
  • Update the hardware of the router and modem on a regular basis whenever a new update is available.  
  • If you already saved the WiFi password and changed it recently then you are required to enter the new password again to connect the Echo device to the wireless network once again. 
  • To troubleshoot the connectivity issue, switch the router security either to WPA or WPA2. 
Step 3: Reduce the WiFi Congestion
If you have several tablets, phones, smart devices, Amazon Echo, and computers on your WiFi network or downloading or streaming content and apps then you may find difficulties with your WiFi connection. To reduce the WiFi congestion, look at the below steps:
  • Switch off devices that you are not using to free the bandwidth.
  • Place your Amazon Echo nearer to the router.
  • Keep Amazon Echo away from any interfaces like baby monitors or microwaves. 
Step 4: Reset the Amazon Echo
If you are unable to resolve the problem with your Amazon Echo then reset your device to the factory default settings. To reset the Echo device, follow the below steps:
  • Press the reset button on your Echo device with a paper clip or needle. You will easily find the reset button on the base of your device. You will see that the light ring on your Echo device will turn orange and then blue.
  • Now, you have to wait for some time to switch off the light ring and then turn it on again.
  • The light ring on your device turns orange and then your device will enter the setup mode. 
That’s all! With the help of the above instructions, you can easily perform Echo Dot Troubleshooting tricks and fix all the issues associated with your Amazon Echo dot in a free couple of minutes without any hassle. In case, you are facing any difficulty then you can contact our professional expert team at our helpline number.


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